Low Carb Ingredients in this batch by request:
1 cup Jiff Natural Peanut butter
2 heaping TBSP Monkfruit sweetener (Sugar Free)
1 TBSP Sukrin Gold (brown sugar substitute Sugar Free)
1 tap vanilla extract
1 pinch salt
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350.
Mix all ingredients except the peanut butter cups together in a bowl.
Use a muffin tin lined with cupcakes paper.
Form 12 even balls of peanut butter cookies and place them in each of the paper cups.
Press a peanut butter cup into each cookie.
Bake for 7 minutes. Flip the muffin pan. Bake for another 7 minutes or until cookie is correct doneness for your liking. Do not over brown.
Allow pan to cool thoroughly before serving.

I had been experimenting based on other similar cookie recipes that seemed to call for way too much sugar replacement. I simply added less sugar knowing that there is already sweetness coming from the Lilys Dark Chocolate Peanut butter cups.

The morning after consumption my levels were acceptablt low. This was my fasted blood glucose taken 11 hours after consuming the 🍪.