- 1/2 head of cauliflower riced
- 4 Tablespoon butter
- 2 cloves garlic
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- 3 Tablespoon Heavy Whipping Cream
Prepare and measure your ingredients. Heat a medium wall pan/pot to medium heat. Melt 2 Tablespoons of butter and add garlic.

Toast garlic on all sides being careful not to burn.

Remove the cloves if garlic and add the cauliflower rice. Sautee for 3 to 5 minutes on medium high heat. Then add water. It should be enough to slightly cover the cauliflower.

Allow the water to boil. Then cover the pan and cook for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes caulirice will look like this. Remove from heat. And careful run through a fine strainer to get out as much water as possible.

Place cooked/drained cauliflower rice in a bowl. Add back garlic, 2 TBSP butter and 3.tableapoon of heavy cream. Use an immersion blender to puree everything together into a smooth mashed potato consistency.

Seen here with beef short ribs gravy

Notes: i love to take raw cauliflower and process into rice. For hubby and 1, a half head of cauliflower (4 cups riced) is 2 servings, perfect for a couple. We usually store extra cauliflower rice in a Pyrex dish for use within a few days. Mostly we have been making cauliflower rice stir fry with ground meat or with curry. These photos are from my first time attempting mashed cauliflower using cauliflo rice. Usually the recipes call for florets but i usually have riced cauliflower, I had about half a head of cauliflower rice left over from the other night. Well this was a splendid success and a lot easier than other recipes call for. In the past I used a hand held masher instead if the immersion blender and it was not a consistent texture and I didn’t love it. It was still very cauliflower flavored and had to be masked with cheese and bacon.
This recipe however is virtually labor free. If your cauliflower is already riced this should be easy.
Hubby loved this and stated that he will be making this mashed cauliflower a lot more! I love how it wasn’t as heavy in cauliflower taste and the best part was no manual labor with the easy processing power if my immersion blender.