This recipe comes from That Dude Can Cook, one if our favorite YouTube channels. While not specifically a keto/low carb channel he has provided some gems like this French recipe.

This is a French recipe that requires poaching salmon in a savory broth made from scratch. If you like pate or tuna salad you will love this recipe. Delicous with veggies such as celary or cucumbers or keto/low carb bread and crackers. I toasted up cauliflower crust rounds and it was delicious with this dish.
Note: This is more of a low carb recipe as many on keto avoid anything in the onion family and this recipe calls for just about every kind of onion including leeks, shallot, onion, chive. I love all of the above and allow them in my low carb lifestyle. I personally do not have negative health issues or get knocked out of ketosis because of this recipe. Also consider that the ingredients are foe the broth and not eaten whole. Still, I recognize that others may have sensitivity so I make this disclaimer.
You can save the court broth but it was so delicious we strained it and enjoyed it as a soup/side dish with the rillettes. It was really delicious and I would have gladly saved some in a Mason jar to reheat and consume within few days. It was too delicious to go to waste. And with food shortages these days I have become more conscience of food wastage and dp my best to conserve where I can.