Recipe Card

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Ingredients and Nutritional Information

The macros are quite good considering how hearty this meal is. I love the choice of ground pork for its flavor and fat content. Please also note that the recipe card does not include the oil that the meatballs were sauteed in. This adds at least another 15 to 20g of fat per serving to this dish. The net carbs come out to 17g Net which is very reasonable considering all the cabbage, veg and complex flavors of the curry paste in this dish.

Contents of Meal Prep Bag & Preparation

This meal is a bit more involved than other Green Chef recipes but the end result is well worth it. If you do not have experience making meatballs from scratch, I highly recommend taking your time with this recipe, and using a small ice cream scoop to form even balls that will look uniform, and brown evenly on the saute pan. Overall the meal took closer to 1 hour to prepare.

Here is what came in the bag:

Prep involved chopping the provided veggies,  pouring hot water over dried shiitake mushrooms and allowing them to soak, and combining seasonings to the ground pork before forming into meatballs.

I recommend shaping meatballs using an ice cream scoop for bite size meatballs.

Saute meatballs for a couple minutes on each side. 

Add the peppers and celery to the meatballs

Add the red curry paste & lime juice. This pre-made sauce is a huge time saver and has mind blowing flavors

Add the cabbage and ginger coconut nut milk

Add water and let it cook down.


Green Chef has done it again! This was fantastic! I have made meatballs/kabobs many times in the Italian or Indo/Pakistani style using turkey meat. This dish was just on another level. I didn’t know that cabbage could be the perfect accompaniment to meatballs. The flavors were everything I love about Thai cuisine; lime, ginger, cream, spice and of course the coconut! My husband savored every morsel of this dish and I am eager to crack the code on how to make the red curry sauce at home; it was definitely a time saver. We would love to see this dish again in the Green Chef rotation. The flavors have me thinking about the possibilities of making this more of a curry dish in a future experiment. Never did I think cabbage could be made this way! The portion was generous and very satisfying. I want to eat this again and again! This is the sort of recipe that makes me LOVE Green Chef!

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